Middle Tennessee Vocal Association
Official Minutes
On Tuesday,October
2, 2001, the MTVA Executive Board met at St. Cecilia Academy inNashville,
TN. The following memberswere present: Valerie DeHoff, Tiffany DePriest,
Jj Ebelhar, Robert King, JerryPierce, David Spencer, Angela Tipps, and
Lewis Walling. After approving the agenda for the generalmeeting,
Secretary Lewis Walling presented the board with the All-State TaskForce
Report. Some concern wasexpressed over the size limits placed on
the Mid-State and Freshmangroups. Robert King moved to amend thereport
to reflect a maximum of 20 singers per part in the freshmen groups witha
minimum score of 150. Angela Tippsseconded the motion. After
discussion,it passed.
Ebelhar clarified the dress code for Freshmen Honors groups: ladies’ skirtsshould
be at least calf-length, but could be longer if desired.
She thenbrought
a concern over the payment for TMEA All-State practice CDs. The cost
to the association is $5.00 perCD. During the discussion,Vice-President
Robert King noted that the company proposing to provide T-shirtsand plagues
was guaranteeing MTVA a clear profit of $800. Mr. King motioned to
use this profit tooffset the expense of the CDs, and charge $1.00 per CD
to the schools receivingthem. This $1.00 fee would be due atMid-State
registration. TiffanyDePriest seconded this motion, and it passed.
The boardwas
informed that Kim Clark had resigned as Choral Festival chair. Robert
King and David Spencer will now co-chairthis event. The site will
change toDavid Lipscomb University.
An issue of home-school studentsparticipating in MTVA events was brought
to the table. Mr. King agreed to research the issue andhave a report
for the November meeting.
At theconclusion of business, the meeting was adjourned.
On Tuesday,October
2, 2001, the MTVA Membership met at St. Cecilia Academy in Nashville,TN.
Rolls for the meeting are on filewith the secretary. President JjEbelhar
called the meeting to order. The minutes were approved (DePriest/White)
as mailed.
Treasurer David Spencer presentedhis report, noting that an additional
$10, 000 is held in a certificate ofdeposit and not noted on the report.
The report was approved (White/Yeaworth). David then reminded members
of the upcoming deadlines. He also provided members with a brief
listof “helpful hints” to make registration for events more efficient.
He also admonished the members to choosee-mail for correspondence with
MTVA as a less expensive means ofcommunication. Other announcements
madeby Mr. Spencer include:
· Samples of music are available
at the conclusion of themeeting.
· Lists of choral festival
repertoire are available fromhim. This is NOT an official list, butserves
as an excellent guide in choosing festival literature.
· ACDA Membership forms
are available from him.
· Material from an ACDA
interest session on choral toneis also available.
Elementary Mass (Tiffany DePriest): Music isavailable. Check
www.jwpepper.com for music lists.
Elementary Honors (Valerie DeHoff): Tapes should be brought to
MTCS for theaudition on November 3. Repertoirelists are available
of J.W. Pepper web site. The venue remains undetermined at this time.
Directions to MTCS will be sent to all auditioning schools. Auditions
begin at 8:30 A.M.
Middle School Honors (Jerry Pierce): Music is available on the Pepper website. A pronunciation for the Latinpiece will be sent. Audition CDs areavailable from Jj Ebelhar.
In oldbusiness, Robert King reported that the MTVA web site was up and running at www.mtva.org. Forms, applications, calendar, and minutes are available there.
informed the membership of the decision regarding All-State learningCDs.
[See the Executive Board minutesfor details.]
A question was brought by themembership regarding the recording of
MTVA events. Anyone interested should submit a proposal to the Executive
Boardfor consideration.
Congratulations were offered tomembers Jj Ebelhar and Robert King.
Their choral groups will be performing at the MENC Convention inNashville
in April.
Lewis Walling then presented theAll-State Task Force report.
The reportwas amended by the Executive Board. Following the presentation,
the report was approved as amended.
the conclusion ofbusiness, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting
will be Tuesday, November 6, 2001 at St. CeciliaAcademy in Nashville, TN.
Lewis Walling
MTVA All-StateTask Force Report
As Amended
Members: Jj Ebelhar, Katie Oldham, Linda Towe, Lewis Walling(Chair)
Mid-State/All-State Auditions (November):
Formula for group sizes:
Suggested Mid-state Formula:
SATB – 5times the # of schools (6 is too large) evenly distributed among
8 parts(this is 255 using 2000-01 numbers)
Women – 3 times the # of schools evenly distributed among 4 parts
(This is 155 using 2000-01 numbers)
SATB – Maximum of 20 singers per part
Treble – Maximum of 20 singers per part
Minimum score of 150
Dress Code:
Freshmen Honors:
Long black dress OR at least calf-length black skirt
White blouse, elbow-length sleeves or longer
Black hose and shoes
White tux shirt or white dress shirt
Blackslacks or tux pants
Black shoes & socks
Black bow tie
Black cummerbund optional
Mid-State: All-State Dress Code applies (cf. handbook)
All-State Assignment:
All-State numbers: 60 singers to Mixed,
28 to Men, 40 to Women. These numbers are rounded percentages derived
from MTVA participation in the previous three years. Assignment into sections
is as follows:
Mixed: 7 members to women’s sections, 8 to men’s
Men: 7 to each section
Women: 10 to each section
Students are assigned to each choir
randomly throughalphabetizing the available singers, then assigning the
students to each group,alternating between mixed and gender-specific choirs.
This year we will start with the first person going to mixed. The next
10 students/part are assigned as All-State alternates to each group,alternating
between mixed and gender-specific choirs.
All-State Logistics
All-State learning CDs will be included in audition results packets.
It is each director’s responsibility to personally pick up packets; we
will NOT mail them, as it is too expensive this year. At Mid-State registration,
turn in completed All-State forms and correct fees. Registration
will be from 8:30-10:00 A.M. at the registration desk.
4 checks will be required:
1 for director fee ($40)
1 for SATB fee ($20 group fee + $30per student fee)
1 for SSAA fee ($20 group fee + $30per student fee)
1 for TTBB fee ($20 group fee + $30per student fee)
Regional rehearsal:TMEA Items:We have requested there be no audition
on 8-part pieces.This leaves 1 person per part and doubles the number of
judges required.
Procedure:Students should plan to arrive at the regional rehearsal at 5:30 to find name tags; roll will be taken at 5:55. Rehearsal begins promptly at 6:00 P.M. Anyone not IN PLACE by 5:55 will be considered late and declared ineligible to participate. Name tags will be placed on chairs for students to wear; no school designation will be on nametags. Specific directors will be assigned to collect remaining nametags at designated roll call time. Students will be assigned to sit in mixed octets: students are assigned to specific octets; judges are assigned to specific octets so no judge evaluates their students, etc. in accordance with TMEA guidelines. Students will get a couple of run-throughs with the clinician on each piece prior to judging. Judges “patrol” their two assigned parts, evaluating the knowledge of the assigned students on EACH piece as detailed by TMEA All-StateChair. Students demonstrating poor knowledge may be pulled out to a separate room for further evaluation. Students continuing to demonstrate poor knowledge will be replaced by a qualified alternate at the end of therehearsal. Students and directors will be notified of final outcome ofaudition at the end of the rehearsal. Alternates will also be notified as needed at this time.
Respectfully submitted,
Lewis Walling
All-State Task Force Committee
MTVA Monthly BusinessMeeting
6:30 PM
St. Cecilia Academy
Nashville, TN
President Jj Ebelhar
Administrative Reports
A. Minutes
Lewis Walling
B. Treasurer’s Report David Spencer
Area Reports
A. Elementary Honors
B. Elementary Mass Choir
C. Middle School Mass Choir
D. Middle School Honors
E. Freshman Honors
F. Mid-State/All-State
Old Business
A. Non-Profit Status
B. Home-School Student Participation
New Business
A. Concert Recordings
Additional Information
Audition Times for Freshman Honors and Mid-State/All-Statewill be distributed
at the meeting. Any remaining schedules will be mailed the following morning.
All judges will be needed both Friday andSaturday. Judges meeting
on Fridaywill be at 5:00 P.M. at St. Cecilia Academy. Please make plans
to be there on time.