Middle Tennessee Vocal Association
Official Minutes
On Thursday, April 11, 2002, the MTVA Executive Board met at the Nashville Convention Center as a part of the National MENC Conference. No quorum was present for the executive meeting. The following members were in attendance: Valerie DeHoff, Tiffany DePriest, Cindy Freeman, Robert King, David Spencer, Rachel White, and Lewis Walling. Without the required quorum, no business was discussed.
Upon the attainment of a quorum of general members, President-Elect Robert King called the general membership meeting to order. He then informed the membership that a change of the sight-reading judge would be required for the upcoming Concert Festival. He also reminded members to submit 2002-03 school system calendars to President Jj Ebelhar for consideration as the Board puts together the calendar for next year.
Nominations for 2002-2004 officers were then made. A motion to accept all officers by acclamation was made, seconded, and approved. (White, Freeman).
Mr. King then presented the following amendment to the MTVA Standing Rules:
If a teacher has a conflict for a particular auditioned event, that director must make an appeal to be excused. This appeal must be submitted with the application form by the deadline stated for that event. The request will be ruled upon by the president, the event chair, and the vice-president or president-elect. If the excuse is deemed reasonable, the director will be assessed $75 per day that he or she is absent. If the request were late, then an additional $25 would be assessed (except in the case of unforeseen illness or death). If a director does not appeal to the board but does not show up for some reason, those students may audition on contingency.
This procedure would provide a way to hire a music professional to take the director’s place. This is not intended to be a penalty. Directors are giving of their professional time to be present at these events, and to hire someone would require at least $75.
After some discussion, the motion failed.
A brief report was heard regarding MTVA’s Solo and Ensemble Festival. A concern regarding the low attendance was mentioned as well as perhaps a site change. This concept was referred to the Executive Board for consideration at the June Board meeting.
David Spencer then gave the treasurer’s report, which was approved (Fuller/White). Lewis Walling presented the last two months minutes for approval. With some editorial changes, the minutes were also approved (Holland/White).
After a brief period of announcements, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lewis Walling