MTVA Executive Board Meeting

                                           St. Cecelia High School

                                                 March 12, 2002

                                                      5:30 p.m.




Members present:  Valerie Dehoff, Tiffany DePriest, Jj Ebelhar, Cindy Freeman, Robert King,                Jerry Pierce, David Spencer, Angela Tipps, Rachel White, BeckyYoung


Old Business:

  1. There was no approval of the minutes of the last meeting because the minutes were not in hand.
  2. Treasurer’s Report:  David Spencer
  3. Discussion of the Solo/Ensemble Festival:  Because of low attendance, it was suggested that we need to address the issues of advertisement and the location of the festival. Angela Tipps offered to create an informational sheet which would provide a description of the festival as well as suggestions of appropriate vocal literature; she will also contact Pepper about providing folders for this.
  4. Elementary Mass Choir:  Jj commended the director for the organization shown in how smoothly the event ran.


New Business:  Discussion ensued regarding application deadlines and fines.  The executive board voted unanimously to approve the following proposal:

            If a teacher has a conflict for a particular event, that director must make an appeal to be excused.  This appeal must be submitted with the application form by the deadline stated for that event.  The request will be ruled up by the president, the event chair, and the vice-president or president-elect.  If the excuse is deemed reasonable, the director will be assessed $75 per day that he or she is absent.  If the request is late, then an additional $25 would be assessed (except in the case of unforeseen illness or death).  If a director does not appeal to the board but does not show up for some reason, those students may audition on contingency.

            This procedure would provide a way to hire a music professional to take the director’s place.  This is not intended to be a penalty.  Directors are giving of their professional time to be present at these events, and to hire someone would require at least $75. 




                                            MTVA General Meeting

                                            St. Cecilia High School

                                                  March 12, 2002

                                                        6:40 p.m.




Members present:  Georgette Atsedes,  Valerie Dehoff, Tiffany DePriest, Jj Ebelhar, Cindy Freeman, Lia Holland, Robert King, Gerald Patton, Jerry Pierce, Jerry, Susan Shirel, David Spencer, Rachel White, Becky Young


Old Business:  1.  No minutes were read.

                         2.  The treasurer’s report was not approved because there was no quorum.


New Business:

1.  Robert King asked for questions about All-State and distributed a hand-out showing the Tennessee All-State Rules and Regulations as well as the revised rehearsal and tryout schedules for All-State.

2.  Robert also gave out packets for the MTVA Choral Festival at David Lipscomb.  The judges for Choral Festival are David Chiles (Director of Choral Activities, Blair School of Music), Susan Smith (Director of Choral Activities, Tennessee Technological University), and Laura Diddle (Director of Choral Activities, Cumberland University).  Sight-reading will be conducted by Deen Entsminger of Belmont University.

3.  Jj reminded us that early registration for MENC (April 10-13) is March 15, and that we can register online. The opening event Wednesday night is the Fisk Jubilee Singers.  Robert King’s choir will be performing at First Baptist at 12:15 on Thursday; Jj Ebelhar’s choir will be performing Friday morning at 9:15.


The general meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,

Becky Young for Lewis Walling