Middle Tennessee Vocal Association
Official Minutes
On Tuesday, January 8, 2002, the MTVA Executive Board met at St. Cecilia Academy in Nashville, TN. President Jj Ebelhar called the meeting to order. She noted that the minutes and treasurer’s report were available for review and would be approved at the end of the meeting.
Elementary Honors chair Valerie DeHoff reminded the elementary directors that this event was quickly approaching. A letter was forthcoming related to the details of the event, including dress code. Anyone with questions should contact her.
Elementary Mass chair Tiffany DePriest noted that information regarding this event was being sent by mail and electronically. She also requested assistance moving risers and locating some additional sets of risers for the event.
Middle School Honors chair Jerry Pierce clarified that no cuts would be made in the audition piece. He also reminded the judges to be mindful of the difficulty of the piece; this piece was chosen by the clinician as part of the concert repertoire. The tapes for this event should be sent to Jerry Pierce; David Spencer should receive forms and fees. It was noted that boys may audition for soprano part at this age level as may be appropriate. Also, the correct key for the music is C major, not D major as some editions are printed. CDs will hopefully be available with the event information. Contact Jerry for any questions.
Mid-State is coming up on January 25th for the high school students. Students should be at David Lipscomb by 8:45 for roll call. Rehearsals will begin at 9:00 A.M. The concert will start at 7:00 P.M. in the Alumni Auditorium; there is no admission charge. Pepper will provide folders for the students.
Registration for All-State will begin at 10:00 A.M. in the student center theatre.
No money should be submitted for alternates until they are placed. All forms and fees are due at this time, including the $10/CD fee for the practice CDs. This is no director fee this year since there is no conference.
Please check the web site for details and concerns about the new dress code. The schedule will also be posted there.
All-State auditions will continue on February 5, 2002 at St. Cecilia Academy.
An audition CD will be used that is cut from the learning CDs.
Some corrections noted above were offered to the minutes. Stella McKnight moved to approve the reports as amended. Linda Towe seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. Robert King and Cindy Freeman moved to approve the treasurer’s repot, which passed. It was noted that reports are available online at the web site: www.mtva.org.
President Ebelhar announced her resignation from St. Cecilia Academy and Overbrook School effective at the end of the school year. She will be teaching at the new Catholic high school in Hendersonville: Pope John Paul II School. Anyone with knowledge of prospective teachers can contact her for more information.
Ruth Osthus and Matt Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 12, 2002.